
Neural Nexus'23: Make Your Own ChatGPT Workshop

Date : April 9th, 2023, 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Venue : Maitraiyee Hall
The Cynaptics club organized an intermediate ML workshop on applications of ML under the Neural Nexus ’23. The members who contributed to this workshop are : 

There was a turnout of over 50+ from all students at IIT Indore. Multiple post graduate and Phd students also showed up for this workshop.
Event activities : Interaction started with Vishnu demonstrating alpaca LoRA and instruct-GPT-J which was then followed by Amit Kumar explaining workflow of a NLP model. He went through text preprocessing and feature extraction techniques. Then Parth explained about NLP models like RNN, LSTM and encoder- decoder networks. He was then followed by Yartharth who explained about the decoding techniques and sampling methods in an NLP model. Then Mihir Karandikar introduced the framework and architecture of gpt and the progressive increase in the improvement of gpt models over the past models. Then Aryan Kulkarni explained the limitations of conversational AI. The session concluded with Madhav enlightening all to a much philosophical side of AI covering the trustworthiness of AI and its other aspects such as explainability and interpretability.

Organized by:
The Cynaptics Club, IIT Indore

Few Important Moments of The Event